'IAB Arena: Understanding the Digital Advertising Ecosystem' – Interactive learning experience

When I was introduced to Rapt Media’s non-linear, interactive video technology, I immediately saw it as an excellent way to bring the content to life, allowing users to navigate the rings at their own pace in the order they choose.

Peter Minnium
Head of Brand Initiatives at the IAB, Creator of the IAB Arena

What is the IAB’s ‘Arena’ Interactive Video?

The IAB Arena is a simplified representation of the digital advertising ecosystem, illustrating how advertising messages are delivered to consumers in the vibrant and ever-expanding market. The IAB teamed up with Rapt Media to create an interactive video version of the Arena that allows users to navigate through the wealth of the Arena’s content at their own pace and in the order they choose.

The goal

The IAB created the Arena to provide a way for people to understand the digital advertising marketplace and how the different parts of the digital advertising industry work together. The IAB wanted a simple video solution to deliver the Arena’s content and enable professionals and students of all levels to learn how the different players, parts, and technology work together to create, sell, distribute, and measure digital advertising.

The solution

The IAB originally created one traditional, linear video to house all of its Arena content. However, watching it end-to-end was long and cumbersome. To solve this challenge, the IAB teamed up with Rapt Media to create a clean and simple interactive video, which allowed users to go into detail and dig deeper into the areas that most interest them.

Why Rapt Media?


The IAB chose Rapt Media’s platform for the interactive Arena video because of its capabilities, ease of use, and experienced support team available to help achieve the project’s goals. The IAB was also interested in the insights that the Rapt Media platform could provide in terms of what segments of video were watched, and what viewers clicked on the most. This can help inform decisions on what types of content to produce in the future. Additionally, Rapt Media’s HTML5 technology allows the full range of interactivity to function natively on mobile devices including iPhone – a critical feature in modern digital advertising.