Learning Care Group

'Healthcare Reform 101' – Interactive healthcare training experience

Learning Care Group’s goal – simplify complex information

Develop an interactive healthcare training video that provides clear answers to the many questions that arise around the Affordable Care Act. Narrow information for Learning Care Group’s employees so they are able to effectively find the answers they care about.

The concept

Using select questions and Rapt Media’s branching feature to narrow relevant material for the individual based upon their age, marital status, state of residence, full-time/part-time status, and Medicaid eligibility, the Learning Care Group condensed an extraordinary amount of information into a very short and meaningful presentation specific to the user.

Success metrics

  • Created a personalized experience for LCG’s 16,500 employees
  • Compliance tracking
  • Reduction in employee training hours by 50 percent
  • Easy to update to keep pace with changing legislation
  • Significant savings, increase in productivity

Why Rapt Media?

Healthcare 101

The Learning Care Group is the second largest for-profit childcare provider in the U.S. with 900 schools and over 17,000 employees. It needed to educate all employees about changes to health care, but because the message would need to be different for each employee depending on the employee’s location and personal circumstances, it needed a solution that would provide personalized, user-specific information.

The LCG chose Rapt Media because our platform allowed it to create a decision tree that would walk viewers through a series of questions to arrive at information that was specific to that viewer. As health care evolves, LCG can update segments of the video as needed and republish it without changing any code.