'Could You Be a School Maker' – Interactive recruitment & education experience

Traditionally, school governance is difficult to sell, but our Interactive Video received national and regional coverage, which helped us find skilled volunteers in the areas we needed them. All our carefully thought out and realistic targets based on previous campaign data were smashed within 36 hours of launch. We couldn’t have achieved this success without the great work from Torchbox and the perfect platform from Rapt Media.

Christopher Parker
Head of Marketing and Communications, SGOSS - Governors for Schools

SGOSS’s goal – educate and recruit a wide audience

Build an interactive digital element to educate people about the school governor role and encourage them to apply. Get 250 registrations and a minimum of 75 applications between Jan. 6 and Jan. 31, 2014. Demonstrate that SGOSS is an innovative organization and early adopter of new technology, platforms, and design.

The concept

SGOSS, an independent charity dedicated to recruiting volunteers to serve on school governing bodies across England, wanted to create an Interactive Video that would bring to life the school governor role by giving users the chance to make the kind of decisions that school governors make. The video would drive website registrations and school governor applications, and raise awareness of SGOSS and what is involved in being a school governor.

Success metrics

  • 3,144 registrations made from Jan. 6 to Jan. 31, 2014
  • Registration target beat by 1,157%
  • 804 completed applications made from Jan. 6 to Jan. 31, 2014
  • Application target beat by 972%
  • Decrease in cost per application; 900% lower than the usual target cost per volunteer

Why Rapt Media?


SGOSS is a charity that aims to recruit volunteers with transferable business/management skills to become school governors. Since January of 2000 SGOSS has successfully facilitated placements in schools across England for over 15,000 volunteers with the vision that every school in England have a diverse and effective governing body driving school improvement.

For its School Makers campaign, SGOSS wanted to develop the concept for an interactive digital element that makes people aware of the school governor role and encourages them to apply. Torchbox, the digital agency behind the The School Makers campaign, didn’t want to use YouTube Annotations, which don’t work on mobile, and it didn’t want to embark on the time-consuming process of programming the video themselves.

Torchbox chose Rapt Media’s platform for The School Makers campaign because it allowed the team to build the Interactive Video quickly and cost effectively. With Rapt Media’s solution, the story could be told in a compelling way that engages the user, and its HTML5-based platform means it can work on smartphones and tablets as well as desktops.